Monday, October 5, 2009

Back in Business!

Hello anyone who is possibly still around checking my blog out! I'm happy to say that I am back in the swing of things and will be posting weekly reviews yet again. I just posted a new album review on Rodey's Record Reviews that you should all go and check out. It's from a local La Crosse college student named Dan Collins and its guarenteed to rock your socks!

Dan Collins and a Piano - Dormitory

As far as Rodey's Retro Reviews goes, I have not posted a new review yet, but there will be one coming within the week. I will continue doing the written reviews, but I'd like you all to know that I am currently working on some video reviews and getting ready to set up my own channel on YouTube. I'd like to get my first video review posted within the month, so hopefully you guys will be able to catch it soon.

There are a few other executive decisions I've made for the future. I've decided to drop the forum from the site, mainly because it isn't really catching on, and I feel like once I start posting some videos and such, the comments section on YouTube or the blog itself will begin to suffice for people. I've also decided to keep up with my Twitter account. I made a Twitter account a long time ago for Rodey's Reviews, but never kept with it (mainly because I'm not really into the whole Twitter thing), but I figure since the amount of work I'll be putting into the site is going up, it may be a good thing to keep all of you posted on what I'm doing. It will let you know when I'm hard at work or when I'm slacking :). So, if Twitter is your thing, or you just want to know what I'm up to and how things are coming along, check it out here:

Lastly, I also plan on making the site a little more exciting. I'll recently got myself a digital camera, so I'll be able to document some of the sitings that I feel would interest the people around here. I also plan on spending a little more time checking out the local music/gaming scene in La Crosse and the neighboring areas. Every once in a while I may post some discussions on things I've gone to, possibly interviews with people that I meet with, or just random stuff that I feel is worth discussing.

I really hope you all enjoy the changes I start to make around here and hopefully it get more people to want and check it out. If you know anyone who would enjoy this blog, please tell them about it! If you help spread the word about this blog it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks to all, and I'll post again soon!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This Week's Shuffle Sunday and Album Review

Two new updates this week, each right on schedule. If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to check out this week's Shuffle Sunday: Béla Bartók - "Rhapsody No. 1: Lassu"

New album review has also been posted. For the Dream Theater lovers out there, it's Mullmuzzler's Keep It To Yourself

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rodey's Reviews comeback still going strong!

Just posted the newest game review. Hope you enjoy it!

This week's game: Demons to Diamonds on the Atari 2600.

And if you haven't checked it out yet, give the new album review a looksie! This week's was Desireless by Eagle-Eye Cherry.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Rodey's Reviews is running again!

After an extremely busy last month, I am finally ready to start doing some reviewing again! I've got some fun stuff planned for future reviews and posts, and can't wait to get them all up for you to see.

Just posted the new album review. This week's album is Desireless by Eagle-Eye Cherry.

New game review being posted tomorrow (for serious this time)! Look out for it! See you then.

Man, it feels good to be back...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Unannounced Hiatus...

Apologies all around for my unannounced hiatus this past week. I was a hectic week and I found it best to just take a short break from the reviews. However, I am back on track this week and have posted last week's promised album review just now! A game review will also be posted either Friday or Saturday, so be sure to look out for that as well.

The album review of Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is up and ready to be read! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Blogness / Album review tomorrow!

So I was perusing around my local game store and happened to cross a game in the PC section called Carmageddon. I had never heard of the series before. The concept was that it was a racing game in which you needed to complete a race before the time ran out. Players could add time to the clock by picking p certain items, smashing into competing cars or...get this...hit pedestrians. Apparently the game was pretty controversial. Nevertheless I thought the cover art was hilarious.

Something else I stumbled upon that I wanted to share with you guys, was that they released a virtual tour of Michael Jackson's arcade collection. The guy had it all. You won't believe how many arcade games the King of Pop owned. I'll just stop talking about it and give you the link:

Here is a complete list of the arcade games he owned:

All these things and more were auctioned off in late April, so you unfortunately can no longer get your hands on any of these things (his store display 3DO would have been awesome to have). You can however check out the full 242 page auction booklet, which contains pictures and descriptions of every item that was sold in that auction at the following link. It's simply breathtaking.

Just thought I'd share some fun stuff that I found. I hope you enjoy them! Also, a brand new record review will be posted tomorrow, since I just found out what album I was going to review, so look out for it!

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Shuffle Sunday!

This week's Shuffle Sunday was posted last night! What was it? We shuffled out "Justine" by The Mummies this time. Hope you enjoy!

Also, we need more members at the forum! So if you haven't joined, what are you waiting for? Come on over and join in the fun!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Whole lot of new stuff!

Hey all! I've got the forum all up and running! Just head on over to:

Register as a user and begin to post away. Voice your opinions/suggestions and have a good time with it. Hope you like it!

New posts this week:

Shuffle Sunday:

Record Review:

Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy

Retro Review:

FantaVision - Sony PlayStation 2

Be sure to check out the reviews and sign yourself up at the brand new forum! Hope you enjoy! Peace out!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This weeks updates!

Record and Retro have both officially been updated this week.

The album: Vampire Ecstasy by Aural Vampire

The game: Zombies Ate My Neighbors on the Sega Genesis

Do yourself a favor and check these out!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Updates on Forum and Todays Posts

Been working pretty hard on the forum the past couple days. It's almost ready for users; it just needs a little more touch up work to make it look good. I'll post back here within the next couple days and let you know when it's up and running.

New posts will be ready tonight. I'm hoping to get them posted before I work today at 5:30, but if not they will be posted around 10:00. The album this week is pretty underground in Japan, and sort of obscure overall, but it's definitely one of my favorites. This weeks game is a forgotten classic by Konami on the Sega Genesis. Not many of my friends have ever heard of this one, but it's a gem. Obscure title and concept, but great addicting gameplay. I'll give you a hint...old horror flicks...

That's all I've got for you! Be sure to look out for those reviews tonight.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Shuffle Sunday has been posted! Forum is in the works!

Hello all! Just got done posting this week's Shuffle Sunday on Record Reviews. Bonnie Pink's "Last Kiss" this week. Plus, I've started putting together the forum for this site, and hopefully it will be up and running by the end of this week. I'll make sure to post when the forum will be accessible and such, so that you can start posting to your hearts content.

I also just want to say that I really appreciate any of you who swing by and check out the site every week, it really means a lot. I hope you all will enjoy the forum once it's all put together.

With that I leave you with Shuffle Sunday!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Thursday and Friday...and finally Saturday

Here's a little tale about my last couple days...

Thursday: Energy company shut off the power in my house (miscommunication on address switching). Was unable to get onto the Internet.

Friday: Power was turned back on but not accessible, since I didn't get home from work and a wedding reception until 11:30 PM.

Saturday: Needed to leave the house for a couple hours in the morning while our landlord gassed the house to get rid of the bats that were living in our walls and ceilings. Came back home around noon thirty.

Nevertheless, the promised Contra review has finally been posted! I apologize profusely for the delay. I hope you enjoy it. Check it out.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Record Review! Retro Review Coming Soon!

Hey all! Just posted a new record review on Rodey's Record Reviews about 3 hours ago. To continue Japanese artist month, this week's review is the album Happy Bivouac by Japanese alternative rock band, The Pillows. Check it out!

The new retro review will be a little delayed and won't be posted until tomorrow night. The game is by fan request this week, and I'll let you know, it's a classic. The game I'll be reviewing is Contra on the NES. So look out for it early tomorrow night!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Announcements! (Changes, Additions and So Forth)

Hey all of you few souls who have tread into my weekly reviews. I'm just posting here to surface some things that will be happening with my site over the next two weeks or so.

From now on, Rodey's Reviews will be updated weekly along with my separate review sites (Record and Retro), just to summarize what's been posted/reviewed on the sites, giving links to them respectively. I'll also be using this main page as a way of communicating things outside of my reviews with all of you. This will include anything from things I've been thinking about concerning general media, to questions that I have for you guys concerning your opinions on the aforementioned media.

I will also be putting together a forum for the site, where people can discuss anything they so please concerning music and/or gaming. Another section of the forum will be devoted to review requests and ideas you may have for the site in general. There will also be a garage sale portion of the forum where you can post albums, gaming consoles, video games, etc. that you are selling on sites like Ebay or Amazon.

Also, if you are new to the site or you haven't checked out this month's reviews yet, here's a little run down of what's been posted...

June has been dubbed Japanese artist month on Rodey's Record Reviews and so far I've posted two album reviews. The albums that have been reviewed are Uroboros by Dir en Grey and Jealousy by X Japan.

Shuffle Sunday posts on Rodey's Record Reviews have been "Loverock" by Guitar Wolf and "One for the Road" by Tak Matsumoto.

The June posts over at Rodey's Retro Reviews have been Mario Clash on the Nintendo Virtual Boy and Toy Story on the Sega Genesis.

Alright! I know that was a lot for one post, but I just wanted to get everyone caught up with what's going on around here. So keep your eyes open for all the changes that will be going on within the next two weeks and keep checking the updates every Wednesday and Sunday!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Posts Coming Soon!

Since Monday, I have been moving into my new house in La Crosse, and it has been a lot more work than originally perceived.  Unfortunately the reviews will be slightly delayed this week.

The review will probably be posted some time on Thursday, so be sure to check back tomorrow!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey there internet chums. Sorry for the slightly late review postings this week. I definitely had a few internet troubles. I'm visiting my family for this week and the different environment is unpredictable, but nevertheless the reviews have been posted. Happy reading!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I thought I'd throw a quick post on here just to tell you all why I've been wanting to start this site for a long time.  It's as simple as this: I love to discuss music and gaming.  I could go on forever talking about the albums I've been listening to during the week.  The same goes for every game I throw in my systems.

So, I made this site, partially to get some stuff off my chest for my own sake, but also to find other people out there who love discussing these things as much as I do.  I'm not a reviewer who forces my opinion down other peoples throats, I'm just a guy who wants to discuss music and games, simple as that.

With that said, please go ahead and check out my review sites, updated every Wednesday and Sunday!  The links are posted below and now also located in the side bar! - Rodey's Record Reviews - Rodey's Retro Reviews

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rodey's Reviews is Up and Running!

Hello to anyone out there who cares to hear about my opinion on music and/or gaming!  Now that the school year is over, I put aside some time to get this blog up and running.  My review site contains two sections: Rodey's Record Reviews, which will consist of my reviews of any albums that I feel need to be discussed, and Rodey's Retro Reviews, which will consist of my opinions on a different retro video game each week.  Both of the sites will be updated weekly both on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Rodey's Record Reviews will update every Wednesday with a brand new full album review and on every Sunday it will update with what I call Shuffle Sundays.  Shuffle Sundays will consist of me opening up my iTunes, hitting the shuffle button once and telling you all my feelings about whatever pops up.
Rodey's Retro Reviews will update every Wednesday with a brand new full video game review and in the near future, every Sunday will be updated with a video of what games I'd been playing during the week and my thoughts/experiences.

Anyway, I've set up the two links to the two seperate review sites below, and I encourage you to check them out and give me your opinions! - Rodey's Record Reviews - Rodey's Retro Reviews

Happy reading!

P.S. - I leave you with a Hadouken...