Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Blogness / Album review tomorrow!

So I was perusing around my local game store and happened to cross a game in the PC section called Carmageddon. I had never heard of the series before. The concept was that it was a racing game in which you needed to complete a race before the time ran out. Players could add time to the clock by picking p certain items, smashing into competing cars or...get this...hit pedestrians. Apparently the game was pretty controversial. Nevertheless I thought the cover art was hilarious.

Something else I stumbled upon that I wanted to share with you guys, was that they released a virtual tour of Michael Jackson's arcade collection. The guy had it all. You won't believe how many arcade games the King of Pop owned. I'll just stop talking about it and give you the link:

Here is a complete list of the arcade games he owned:

All these things and more were auctioned off in late April, so you unfortunately can no longer get your hands on any of these things (his store display 3DO would have been awesome to have). You can however check out the full 242 page auction booklet, which contains pictures and descriptions of every item that was sold in that auction at the following link. It's simply breathtaking.

Just thought I'd share some fun stuff that I found. I hope you enjoy them! Also, a brand new record review will be posted tomorrow, since I just found out what album I was going to review, so look out for it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe a video game collector like yourself has never heard of Carmageddon! It reminds me of Death Race 2000. Good stuff.
