Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rodey's Reviews is Up and Running!

Hello to anyone out there who cares to hear about my opinion on music and/or gaming!  Now that the school year is over, I put aside some time to get this blog up and running.  My review site contains two sections: Rodey's Record Reviews, which will consist of my reviews of any albums that I feel need to be discussed, and Rodey's Retro Reviews, which will consist of my opinions on a different retro video game each week.  Both of the sites will be updated weekly both on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Rodey's Record Reviews will update every Wednesday with a brand new full album review and on every Sunday it will update with what I call Shuffle Sundays.  Shuffle Sundays will consist of me opening up my iTunes, hitting the shuffle button once and telling you all my feelings about whatever pops up.
Rodey's Retro Reviews will update every Wednesday with a brand new full video game review and in the near future, every Sunday will be updated with a video of what games I'd been playing during the week and my thoughts/experiences.

Anyway, I've set up the two links to the two seperate review sites below, and I encourage you to check them out and give me your opinions! - Rodey's Record Reviews - Rodey's Retro Reviews

Happy reading!

P.S. - I leave you with a Hadouken...

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