Thursday, May 21, 2009


I thought I'd throw a quick post on here just to tell you all why I've been wanting to start this site for a long time.  It's as simple as this: I love to discuss music and gaming.  I could go on forever talking about the albums I've been listening to during the week.  The same goes for every game I throw in my systems.

So, I made this site, partially to get some stuff off my chest for my own sake, but also to find other people out there who love discussing these things as much as I do.  I'm not a reviewer who forces my opinion down other peoples throats, I'm just a guy who wants to discuss music and games, simple as that.

With that said, please go ahead and check out my review sites, updated every Wednesday and Sunday!  The links are posted below and now also located in the side bar! - Rodey's Record Reviews - Rodey's Retro Reviews

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