Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Updates on Forum and Todays Posts

Been working pretty hard on the forum the past couple days. It's almost ready for users; it just needs a little more touch up work to make it look good. I'll post back here within the next couple days and let you know when it's up and running.

New posts will be ready tonight. I'm hoping to get them posted before I work today at 5:30, but if not they will be posted around 10:00. The album this week is pretty underground in Japan, and sort of obscure overall, but it's definitely one of my favorites. This weeks game is a forgotten classic by Konami on the Sega Genesis. Not many of my friends have ever heard of this one, but it's a gem. Obscure title and concept, but great addicting gameplay. I'll give you a hint...old horror flicks...

That's all I've got for you! Be sure to look out for those reviews tonight.


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