Monday, October 5, 2009

Back in Business!

Hello anyone who is possibly still around checking my blog out! I'm happy to say that I am back in the swing of things and will be posting weekly reviews yet again. I just posted a new album review on Rodey's Record Reviews that you should all go and check out. It's from a local La Crosse college student named Dan Collins and its guarenteed to rock your socks!

Dan Collins and a Piano - Dormitory

As far as Rodey's Retro Reviews goes, I have not posted a new review yet, but there will be one coming within the week. I will continue doing the written reviews, but I'd like you all to know that I am currently working on some video reviews and getting ready to set up my own channel on YouTube. I'd like to get my first video review posted within the month, so hopefully you guys will be able to catch it soon.

There are a few other executive decisions I've made for the future. I've decided to drop the forum from the site, mainly because it isn't really catching on, and I feel like once I start posting some videos and such, the comments section on YouTube or the blog itself will begin to suffice for people. I've also decided to keep up with my Twitter account. I made a Twitter account a long time ago for Rodey's Reviews, but never kept with it (mainly because I'm not really into the whole Twitter thing), but I figure since the amount of work I'll be putting into the site is going up, it may be a good thing to keep all of you posted on what I'm doing. It will let you know when I'm hard at work or when I'm slacking :). So, if Twitter is your thing, or you just want to know what I'm up to and how things are coming along, check it out here:

Lastly, I also plan on making the site a little more exciting. I'll recently got myself a digital camera, so I'll be able to document some of the sitings that I feel would interest the people around here. I also plan on spending a little more time checking out the local music/gaming scene in La Crosse and the neighboring areas. Every once in a while I may post some discussions on things I've gone to, possibly interviews with people that I meet with, or just random stuff that I feel is worth discussing.

I really hope you all enjoy the changes I start to make around here and hopefully it get more people to want and check it out. If you know anyone who would enjoy this blog, please tell them about it! If you help spread the word about this blog it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks to all, and I'll post again soon!


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