Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm back for good! (seriously now...)

Over the past three months (that I haven't been here), I've been thinking about how to make this site better for visitors. The whole reason I started this was to make a fun community for people who share the same interests, and I feel like we succeeded in that way, but I've come to the conclusion that in order to make this work better, I have to make the site a bit more personable. The way that it had been running before, reviews and updates were written on a strict schedule and for me it felt more like work than anything.

So I've decided to update the site more regularly, not just with reviews, but just stuff I'd like to bring up or talk about; music I'm listening to, games I'm playing, how I'm feeling about upcoming releases, etc.

A few things I've added to the site so far are a navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page. This will take you to the record reviews and game reviews I write, my YouTube channel page (updates soon) and my Twitter page (which I will regularly update from now on, so you know what I'm up to on the site). In the side bar of the site, I've listed upcoming album and video game releases to keep you up to date with the new media coming out. There is also a list of links to some of my favorite review sites (both music and video game related), so feel free to check those out as well.

Let me know how you feel about the changes! Got some ideas on how I can improve the site? Bring it up to me! Hope you enjoy the site, add it to your favorite pages, and please tell your friends!

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